Bangkok Day 2 - 22nd June 2010

Bangkok Day 2 - 22nd June 2010

Woke up early in the morning to have the hotel breakfast which is provided at a restaurant just beside the hotel.. Variety of food isnt as bad as what i researched beforehand so the key thing is to keep your expectations low so you wouldnt be disappointed.. Did i mention this for the previous day? So after a decent and filling breakfast.. we waited in the Lobby for our Tour Guide to arrive..

Wait.. Tour Guide? Yupp.. we got attracted by this tourist counter at the airport and since it sound cheap and we were too lazy to plann our own itinerary for visiting of all those temples and they are sorta a must see.. we booked with them and have a half day planned trip for us..

Soon the aircon-ed mini van came along and we settled in.. The cost was about $5 per pax and we need not bargain for prices with the tuktuk or taxi nor be afraid we got scammed into somewhere else and we get to visit 3 temples with a so-so explaination from our guide so.. Okay lar~

This is our first temple and following up will be more temples photos which mostly look the same so after a while i got mixed up and just chucked everything together..

Temples after temples.. and its mostly shade of gold everywhere..

This is the moments to make full use of the camera because there is otherwise nothing much to take picture of.. so snap snap snap and we have a tiring job of choosing when we decide to blog about it..

This conclude the first temple.. and the pictures from this onwards are probably mixed up i guess.. and see the bottle that Wen is advertising? Its some Holy Water and after drinking it.. i felt blessed immediately.. like some kinda aura is surrounding me and giving me the magical awesome feeling..

I seldom collage photos together.. but since they are all almost the same and need not much explainations.. might as well.. =/ The Tour Guide helped us to take alot of couple pictures too.. but after some identical photos with the exception of which couples is standing there.. we decided to take more couple couple photos for the rest of it instead..

Behind us is the Reclining Buddha which lies in the middle of the room and is freakingly huge.. we have to walk about 5min before we reached the foot area..

Then on the other side of it there is this long stretch of pots which we are supposed to drop 1cent coin into each one as we walked along.. there is 108 of it and its said to bring you good luck and long life.. im blessed once more! Its good to visit temples huhh..

This is the Marble Temple (or at least Qiann mentioned it is in her blog) and yeahh.. there are many golden statues sitting around the sides of the temple.. I remember this is the temple which Wenn decided to kneel before the buddha and pray which i believe that resting-her-legs is part of the plan too..

Running out of captions but anyway.. i never thought i will ever do a couple couple date last time but now i have done TWO couple couple OVERSEA trips already.!!

Hoping to have more Four-Of-Us oversea trips (or maybe even more couples can join us next time).. Its good because we can have sweet couple times such as early morning exploration and shopping time.. and group time such as dinner which we can have a chitchat sessions and nighttime monopoly deal which 4 players are generally more fun than 2.. and cheaper as we can split the fare and safer as everywhere can be in pairs including toilets..

So after they brought us to those expensive shops selling jewels and tailored shirts.. which we just walked around as we are definitely not going to buy and the staffs probably understand due to our age anyway.. So after everything is over we went back to the hotel..

After resting a tiny while.. we decided to try Bangkok Famous Public Transportation.. also known as Tuktuk which is basically an open air tiny motorbike like taxi which some insane drivers will speed through gaps between cars and small alleys just to reach our destination fast.. Very thrilling and we decided to take only tuktuk around for the rest of the days.. However its highly polluted so the bad air sorta need some time getting used to..

And its freaking cheap.. we always ask for around 40baht($2) to 70baht($3) and will offer half the price they quoted.. and just for fun.. bargaining another 10baht (50c) less.. So split among us four and its basically about 50c to 75c per trip?

Went over to Siam Center and had lunch there.. although its a small bowl.. its very worth it because for less than $4.. i get a tomyam noodle soup with a osyster, 4 prawns, 4sotongs, and i can't remember but its really something worth eating for that price.. and the osyster.. BIG.

After eating.. we are of course not full yet so we went around to get some finger foods like how its like in Bugis Center.. and noticing the bottom left photos.. those are ATM machines and they have a variety of colours which beautify the area alot.. unlike ours.. =/

After Lunch.. we shopped around the area where road stalls have been set up because the Siam Paragon had burnt down pretty badly and the shop owners have their temporary selling area just somewhere.. so its shop shop shop and no pictures..

However after shopping.. we had some Mango Snow Ice which was what we needed after shopping in the heat in the open for such long hours.. and took a tuktuk back to the hotel to rest..

And we went down to the Pratunam Area for more shopping again.. and we were quite shock with what we saw.. what seems like an empty street during the day had become a shopping bugis street during the night.. But anyway.. for this pictures they are moving them back into the shopping mall because it is going to rain..

Had their famous Chicken Rice which is opposite the shopping mall and it taste quite nice and me and Aaron had two plates for dinner.. Their servings are really small for everywhere.. While eating halfway it started pouring cats and dogs and roads start to get flooded.. We see rats and cockroaches swimming around in the flood and even one crawling onto the pants of a girl whom walked into the flood while crossing the road..

So somehow we got a tuktuk to drive us back to the hotel and it was so badly flooded that even water is entering getting into the Tuktuk and the driver had to restart and dry the engine quite a lot of time.. From the backview.. it looked as if we were riding a boat instead.. Really awesome..

Back at the hotel.. Wenn they all start to packed their luggages and FYI.. their luggages only have 2 sets of clothes when they arrive so this picture can roughly show how much they bought.. and btw.. there is another pile of clothes beneath the one you are seeing now.. For me? I was in my room using a hair dryer to blow dry my shoes and surprisingly.. it worked.. =) But next time.. its sandals for me..

So after a few games of Monopoly Deal.. we tucked ourselves under the blanket and have enough rest for more shopping the next day..