10th December 2009 - DTRM01 BBQ PARTY

And so immediately after our final paper which is GOM, we headed down for some Post Exam Party by having a duel within L4D2..

Afterwards.. we bus-ed down to PasirRis which is over an hour long.. most of them just fall asleep or otherwise play games and for the guys... they just chat non stopp..

Some of the guys went to do some last minute shopping for food because the catering had a little problem..

While the rest of us just went forward to our pit to look after it and wait for them.. then..

Some went dating...

Some practise Gaming again..

Some have a mini war with tongs and grill.. LOL..

And finally start to prepare the real thing which means FOOD!!

And while some are preparing the food.. some are just happy camwhoring away huhhh...

Look at all the happy faces when they finally managed to see smoke.. or fire.. or i dunno.. something burning..

And we have some suddenly jump in photos like this..

And this.. but seriously Alvin.. mymymy..

And when we wanna take a photo of you.. you hide.. TSK!

This is a perfect order.. The most left is the No clubbing.. and the most right is the Always clubbing.. LOLS..

And i can make a story from the four pictures below..

Im probably commenting that there are people who aint doing anything..

Which has an immediate effect and people start to move..

And pose for the camera so that it looked like they are doing something..

And another one.. LOL..

Then decided to go far far away where they cannot hear my comments.. and camwhored alot alot alot..

While most of the guys take turn to help out with cooking the food for consumption..

Wait a minute.. whats this?!

And finally the first two plates to be served.. =)

Des working hard while the two girls there placed their eyes on the food, getting ready to grab it the moments its upp..

Qiann and Syarr..

Daniel.. another awesome BBQ-er..

Then we had an uninvited guest.. a small hungry kitten whom just keep coming back for food from us.. then our invited guests Ms Chen and Mr Ron came by later on..

Look at this.. all the people are working hard to get the food up.. and there she is.. happily munching away the food.. TSK!

I figured NZ is acting too.. with everyone smiles on their face.. highly possible.. LOL..

Watch Alvin and his awesome balancing act..

Crystal turn to take a shot of "hardwork"...

Jonny and Ronald.. my Godfather.. LOL..

This picture depicts the people whom are just waiting for food to arrive at the table and eat..

This picture depicts how people are working their sweat out to make sure the above people stay happy.. +_+

This poor guy even have to answer a phone this way because his hands are oily from cooking the food..

And what do we have here..?

Mymy.. poor guy.. Crystal just stolen a prawn from poor Daniel!

And that is my Godfather woot!

Tiong playing with the small kitten which he had been taking care of since it came..

Class shot!

My Godfather, my class rep.. my form teacher..

Alvin trying to do a stunt while Yilin look suspiciously wondering if its possible..

In the end went to play Baseball & Frisbee with make do items like waterbottles, paper plates etc..

Then Yw call for a Toast to celebrate this successful event..

The host serving all the guests..

Girls shot!

Cheers to class DTRM01~

Thanks to this awesome organiser.. Yuewen! =) *Clap*

More Girls Shot!

Girls shot?

And he is kicked away by the girls.. =P

Couple No. 1 Yuxin and Alvin!

Couple No. 2 Delwyn and Ziqian!

Then someone told Ronald to matchmake both of them and he forced them to take a photo together..


This one was quite naturally i will comment..

And this is like.. My Wife is a Gangster.. LOLS! Poor Yw..

Sugar Daddy huhh..

Shopping Clubbing Partying couple..

Another Class shot!

And a newly formed Family with Lian being our mom and the rest of us the sons and her daughter in law.. =)